Millngate 7th golf day
32 attended a splendid day at the open qualifier course. The weather was perfect and the wind light so the scoring (for most) was high.
The winning team of John Noble, Lee Haynes, John Butt and Bobby Taylor scored a record breaking 86 points (Best two Stableford points from 4). Individually the scoring was a little lower than last years winning 41 points, with our own Andy Goodridge scoring 35 points in 3rd, Peter Williams, 37 points in 2nd place and the winner with 38 points, Ray Gardner. Peter Williams also won the nearest to the pin in two on the notoriously difficult 18th and Nick Aubin won the nearest the pin in one on the 9th.
The prize giving followed an excellent meal in the sumptuous club and the feedback was that a good time was had by all.
- Great day of golf finished off with an evening meal in the club house
- After the meal the prize giving begins.
- A selection of goodies for the prize winners
- The individual winner – Ray Gardner
- The winning team
- Second place – Peter Williams
- Third place – Andy Goodridge
- The very heavy ‘wooden spoon’ prize to Peter Duggan
- Nearest the pin in one – Nick Aubin
- Nearest the pub in 2 – Peter Williams
- Ray Gardner the winner thanking Tony Sweeney on behalf of the guests