Millngate’s supermarket application was registered by Breckland Council on the 15th March and the following press release and computer generated images of the proposal have been issued.
Swaffham Supermarket Application
Submitted by Millngate to Council
High levels of community support for planning application
A planning application for a new Tesco supermarket, which will create around 150 new jobs at Swaffham, has been submitted to Breckland District Council.
The proposed new Tesco store would be located on Castle Acre Road, close to the existing Eco Tech Park. The site currently comprises industrial buildings that have been empty for a number of years and which are falling into disrepair.
The application has been drawn up following extensive public consultation. Over 800 people attended a community exhibition in January to view the proposals with around three quarters of the feedback to the event being in favour. Meetings have also been held with business representatives.
Importantly 36% of people who answered the question ‘Would you be more likely to visit other shops and facilities if Tesco is built e.g. cafes in the town centre?’ said yes, demonstrating that the new supermarket will help increase footfall to the town centre.
The exhibition feedback also confirmed that the majority of people who live in Swaffham do not choose to do their main food shop there. Around 60% of those who choose to answer this question said that they shop outside of Swaffham with many travelling to Kings Lynn and Dereham. This feedback is similar to that provided in an independent household survey commissioned last year by Millngate and also in a previous study by Breckland District Council.
The decision on whether to approve the application will be taken by Breckland District Council’s planning committee in early summer 2012.
Tony Sweeney, Managing Director of Millngate, said:
“We are pleased to submit our planning application, which has been carefully put together to reflect feedback we received from our community consultation programme. It is great that so many people have told us they support our proposals and we have already had more than 250 expressions of interest in the new jobs that will be created”
In response to feedback during the community consultation the submitted planning application includes:
- Increased provision in the proposals for clothing – there is now e a 1,000 sq ft space in the proposed store for clothing
- Provision of a facility for crossing Castle Acre Road from Admiral Wilson Way
- Improved bus provision to Swaffham and outlying villages.
Louise Gosling, Regional Corporate Affairs Manager at Tesco added:
”We are delighted to have received a great deal of community support for our proposals. Our proposed store will help increase footfall to the town centre because at present most people who live in Swaffham do not shop in the town.
Tesco has a good track record of working closely with the communities and businesses in the areas local to our stores and we look forward to this in Swaffham if our proposals are approved.”
Notes to editors:
• Millngate was established in 1997 and has much expertise in both food and non food retail development. Millngate operates throughout the UK and has a strong track record of working in East Anglia.
• The Tesco supermarket if approved, would be a predominantly food supermarket selling a limited range of ancillary non food products such as clothes and toys.
Kelly Edwards of Green Issues Communiqué, 0118 983 9459 or Ben Johnson 0118 983 9486